So I recently took a python networking and web-api class, and I had the opportunity to learn a couple of new and really useful tips. I plan on illustrating one of those in this post today.
ips = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]
for n in ips:
pre_con = paramiko.SSHClient()
pre_con.connect(n, username="cisco", password="cisco")
conn = pre_con.invoke_shell()
conn.send("\nterm leng 0 \n")
conn.send("show ip route")
That script example was a simple paramiko connection script taht loops through a list designated with "ips" variable. but I wanted to autopopulate the IPS variable with IPs that had the last digit sequentially increased. So I came up with a one line command that works in the python shell quite well.
ips = ["10.10.10.{}".format(i) for i in range(1,9)]
In this fashion, I don't have to type out the repetitive ip addresses when they are simply sequential. If you are dealing with a ton of different IPs and they are not sequential at all, the other best option is to put them in a flat text file and read the file in just looping through each line.
file = glob.glob("*ipaddress*")
FH = open(file[0], "r")
for line in FH.readlines():
ips = []
ips += line
Both are very effective ways of quickly putting together a list of IPs to loop through to perform a function